HDB permits you need before renovation starts [2 min read]

Designed and built by interior design firm owner Jiasheng.

You are probably aware that there are many permits needed for renovation works in Singapore.

We filtered from HDB’s website the works that require permits and explain why you should talk to your interior designer about this.

Two Things To Note

First, there are two important things about permits you must know. You must engage only contractors from the Directory of Renovation Contractor (DRC) to carry out the renovation, including those works that do not require HDB’s approval. It is illegal not to do so.

All demolition and hacking of walls (be it partial or complete) require HDB’s prior written approval. The approval ensures that any proposed demolition/ hacking work will not affect the structural integrity of the building and compromise public safety.

Talk To Your Interior Designer

We notice that the permits are not easy to understand if you are just reading the HDB website. The good thing is you do not have to. Or at least not alone.

This brings us to the main point of this blog post: you need to hire experts who can properly advise you. Ask your interior designer which contractors they engage and whether they are listed in the DRC. Ask them what works are to be carried out and which require permits. A good interior designer should be able to explain these to you and prevent mistakes like knocking down a structural wall.

Works that require permits

  1. Replacement of floor finishes (Ceramic, Homogeneous, Terrazzo, Marble, Parquet/ timber, Other tiles)

  2. Replacement of existing bathroom/ toilet floor finishes after first 3 years from the date of completion of the block

  3. Topping up of flooring using light weight screed/ block at balcony/ kitchen/ bathroom/ toilet

  4. Demolition of non-load bearing reinforced concrete (RC) elements, such as partition walls, party walls, stiffeners, lintols or hangers

  5. Demolition (partial or complete) or alteration of internal non-structure lightweight partition walls, such as hollow block/ brick walls, Drywalls or Ferrolite walls

  6. Creation of opening in non-structural wall between two (2) flats

  7. Replacement of internal wall finishes up to ceiling level

  8. Replacement of existing bathroom/ toilet wall finishes after first 3 years from the date of completion of the block

  9. Replacement of main entrance door and/ or frame along fire escape route (i.e. for door opening into passageways such as staircases, lift lobbies)

  10. Repositioning of internal door entrances

  11. All other renovation within sold recess area (e.g. installation/ replacement of grille/ gate/ door/ fixed awning/ roof/ windows/ floor and wall finishes, topping up of floor and demolition/ erection of non-load bearing walls, etc.)

  12. Replacement of existing staircase balustrades/ railing in executive maisonettes where there is a vertical drop in level of 1m or more

  13. Erection of safety barrier on internal staircase or wall facing void of executive maisonette where there is a vertical drop in level of 1m or more

  14. Enlargement of bathroom/ toilet after first 3 years upon completion of block

  15. Replacement of bathroom/ toilet vent

  16. Installation of awning at open-to-sky balconies of topmost unit

  17. Installation of awning at open-to-sky balconies at intermediate floor units

  18. Installation/ replacement of window on parapet (Note: This is not applicable for balconies of DBSS flats and for flats handed over from 1 July 2007, where open balcony and/ or pure planter box are provided. For such flats, windows, full height sliding doors/ glass panels are not allowed to be installed at the balcony and/ or pure planter box)

  19. Installation/ replacement of grilles at service yard/ balcony parapet (if any)

  20. Flats without higher electrical loading will require an HDB permit to install new 15 amps powerpoints for air-conditioners or other higher capacity equipment/appliances.

  21. Installation of air-conditioner (casement/ window unit/ split type) using new 15 amps power point or new 20 amps isolator

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